Sunday, December 17, 2006

Malang Tempo Doeloe

The Sweet Memory of Mbak Asri's Beloved Grand Pa

These pictures show us how virgin malang in the past was. Grand pa was right by saying that Malang was called Parish van Java. Its beautiful scenery, cool weather and fresh air have caused many old dutches fail to forget their sweet memory left. Can we erase our sweet memory ???.
That's why we can see alot of old dutches hanging around Malang right now.
Looking back at the past doesn't mean we walk backward. Our past reflection enables us be a wise person. Our life is considered success if we are able to do something better than yesterday.
Have you done better today pals??!!


nongkojajar said...

Salam perkenalan.
Wah bagus sekali foto-fotonya, sayang tidak ada keterangan tempat dan tahunnya. Sebagian besar saya tahu/menebak (karena saya orang malang) tetapi foto teratas, ada lapangan dibelah dua itu dimana ?
Anda/Kakek tinggal di malang di mana? Dan apa itu friends of Malang Foundation?

Anonymous said...

AMAZING......i thing thats the only word that i can say about Malang in the past, really want to feel it...i dreaming about having a time machine to go to the past...thanks a lot for the one who pick up this pictures on the web....hope the other will be come.....keep in one soul! viva aremania