Written : Edy, Kotabaru
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Independece Day Celebration in Kotabaru
Written : Edy, Kotabaru
Friday, May 4, 2007
my students activity

This picture it was taken when i visit Bali island several days ago, acctually i little bit afraid when i touch that snake, but finally i did it.
This is picture when my students did their final national examination. I hope they all get good mark on this test ( amin )
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Lets' Shared Prosperity!!
During these weeks, most of Indonesian ALCoB Volunteers have been busy in preparing their students to face National Final Examination. This examination is considered important because it decides the students’ graduation.
Here is the experience of one of Indonesian ALCoB Volunteer who lives in isolated island.
On Sunday, April 8th 2007, me with four friends of mine represented English Testing and Training Center SMKN 1 Kotabaru, visited and tested several schools both Junior and High school in Batu Licin. This region is part of Kota Baru which is separated by the sea.The test was held in SMK Kodeco
It spent about 45 minutes to across the sea. The weather was so nice because there had been heavy rain the day before. It was considered our luck because we forgot to wrap the paper box with plastic. Can you imagine what would happen if there was rain ?.There were several good views that I took with my digital camera.
Around 08.45 we reached BatuLicin Port. Then, we had to pass the muddy street with many holes about 5 Km to get to SMK Kodeco. This slippery street made me difficult to speed my motor cycle. So we arrived there about 09.10, after two times lost.
Oh my goodness, the school was still locked and no body there. Where were the folks ?.
While waiting, we tried to call one of the teacher to make sure whether the test was held that day. It was true that the test would be held that day. Since we still had much time, we could be relax and taking some pictures.
I remembered the head master, who was my close friend. I missed him so much because we had not meet for two years.
At 09.30, the vice headmaster and several teachers came. I knew most of them , Mr Daelam, Zaenal, and Wid. From Mr. Daelam I got the news that Mr Yuli, the last headmaster was not there anymore because he was accepted as a civil servant. Now he is teaching at SMAN 1 Pagatan, its about 20 Km from Batu Licin. And the way to get there …..?!, it need more then an hour from here. Yeah…. When will we meet again ?.
Fortunately there was a good news that could ease my pain. The TOEIC test participant increase became 110 students. Because we only brought 80 test sheets, the test was held in two term. Congratulation for the school committee. It was the greatest number of participant that ever had in Batu Licin.
The first term started at 10 am up to 12.00 and was continued by second term up to 14.00.
Having finished the test, we had to be back to Kota Baru hurriedly. If we hadn’t done so, we would have arrived at Kota Baru in the night. It is dangerous to be in the jungle in the night.
Unfortunately, it was heavy rain when we reached Batu Licin Port. Moreover, we had to wait for the ferry for an hour.
We arrived home before 6 pm. Though feeling tired, I felt so happy because I had met old friends, shared experiences and planned the next activities. I heard sad song in the deep side of my heart because 3 hours couldn’t erase 2 years separated from my close friends.
That’s life, there is meeting and there is farewell. However, the beautiful memory always remind in our deep heart . Therefore lets share prosperity with others !!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Sweet Memory of Busan
To join that training, they had to struggle hard in passing the two kind tough selections. First, English test delivered by Balitbang that consist of a kind of TOEFL test and writing test. The second test was personality selection done by Mr. Young hwan Kim, Ph.D.
The Indonesian teachers selected were :
1. Riki mochamad, the Chemistry Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Bandung.
2. Ali Arham, the English Teacher of SMA 7 Balikpapan.
3. Misrun, the English, Photoshop & video Editing Teacher of SMK Negeri 3 Mataram.
4. Budi Priantoro, the History Teacher of SMK kristamitra Semarang.
5. I Nyoman Rudi Kurniawan, the Computer Teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Kotabaru.
6. Sri Winarsih, the math Teacher of SMK Negeri 3 Balikpapan.
7. Citra Apsari, the English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Bandung.
8. Asri Widiapsari, the English Teacher of SMA Negeri 4 Malang.
9. Taufik Syahmardan, the English Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Kotabaru.
10. Marryenti, the English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Solok.
11. I Ketut Suparsa, the Web Design Teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar.
During training in Busan, they performed very well. Beside tough cooperation, they also showed their high spirit of nationalism. It was proved that at the last of the meeting, Mr. Kim invited them to a small meeting and saying that they were a solid team. Moreover he asked them to make a small project, especially for English tea
cher. The project was aimed to enhance the students’ achievement in English. Going home, their spirit of togetherness didn’t last. To maintain their friendship, I Nyoman Rudi kurniawan provoked his friends to make two projects. The first was “Let’s Do Together”, that was aimed to motivate the English teachers to cooperate well in enhancing their students’ achievement. The second project was “Miss U Babe”, that was aimed to connect students among various Island in Indonesia and others in APEC Region
The project proposers, I Nyoman, Asri , Sri Winarsih and misrun dedicated this project to make Alcob indonesia be the best. They believed that the sense of friendship and volunteer is the best solution to solve educational problems in our beloved country, Indonesia.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
The Story from Kota Baru
On December 31st to January 1st, I Nyoman Rudi Kurniawan prefered going to Betung Village (± 40 KM East of Kota Baru),Bekambit Village (± 43 KM East of Kota Baru), and Megasari (± 20 KM West of Kota Baru) to introduce Computer for transmigrants’ children to having new year vacation.

There were 20 participants, the youngest was fifth grade of elementary school and the oldest was junior high school students. The students who joined that activity were the representative of every village. Considering there was non risky access and an electry city availability, the activity was held in Megasari. Since, 900 watt electrycity couldn’t cover the usage of 2 PC, 2 laptop, and one Sony LCD, generator is needed. The training materials such as modul and handout were given freely because they decided not to burden the participants. The participants were only asked to bring their own food.

The thing that made him happy was the parents attention. They gave sincere attention and help. I Nyoman and his friends were never run out of fresh vegetables and fruits such as mangoes and durians. It was so great.
The valuable thing got by his students was they got the meaningful lesson from that activity. They should thank God that there were a lot of friends whose condition worse than them.
The other lesson got by I Nyoman team was they should prepare and consider the situation well. The Sony LCD brought was burned (luckily it happened at the end of the training) because the electricity produced by generator was not stable, and the villager’s stavolt didn’t work well. Luckily, there was a doctor who financially helped to overcome the problem. Next time they should bring a good UPS.
This training was considered success because there are two villages waiting for them. These village are so far away and have to cross the ocean. Do any others Alcober want to join ?.
By : Sriex Ngalam & Si Ganjen
Friday, January 5, 2007
News about Singapore
I am at Singapore airport now. After about 30 mnts i will continue my trips to Hongkong and China. I hope i can take a lots pictures and videos and get more information about local place's traditional cultures so i can share with you all after come back to Indonesia.And for Sister Asri dont forget to take good rest in your busy day ok!!! Miss you all